GeoGRAFX delivers comprehensive solutions to resolve geologic problems by combining advanced data management capabilities with proven and cutting-edge exploration strategies.
Selected Case Studies
Van Deemen Au Project, AZ
The Van Deemen property is located in the Black Mountains, one of the most productive gold mining areas in Arizona. The deposit is a breccia-hosted gold deposit controlled by a detachment fault separating Tertiary age volcanic rocks from Precambrian granite.
Frisco Au Project, AZ
Frisco Gold Corp’s Frisco Project is located in the Black Mountains, the most prolific gold producing range in Arizona. The gold-silver stock-work, brecciated, low sulphidation, epithermal vein system can be traced on surface for 1500 feet.
Secret Pass Au Project, AZ
Secret Pass Gold Project is located in Oatman Mining District in northwest Arizona. Gold mineralization occurs on the Secret Pass property within fault structures along intrusive contacts, and within discrete calcite‐quartz veins.
AMD Mitigation Patagonia, AZ
The Arizona Water Quality Improvement Grant Program program strives to fund projects that implement sufficient, economically and scientifically sound management practices that result in quantifiable improvements to surface water quality.
Daveytown Placer Au Project, NV
The Daveytown Property is located in the Slumbering Hills, Humboldt County, Nevada. The deposit is situated within the western, older, part of the Northern Nevada Rift geologic province of Miocene age. The placer mineralization lies within and on the alluvial fan of Daveytown Canyon.
Lisbon Valley Cu Mine Site, UT
Lisbon Valley Mining Company engages in mining copper in Lisbon Valley, Utah. Copper concentrations occur mostly as intergranular disseminations in sandstones and pebble conglomerates.
Cusi Ag Project, Mexico
Dia Bras’ Cusi property is situated within the Sierra Madre Precious Metals Belt and mineralization in the property is generally vein-hosted, structurally-controlled epithermal silver-lead-zinc mineralization.
Shafter Ag Mine Site, TX
Aurcana´s Shafter Property is located located in Presidio County, Texas. The silver deposits at Shafter have been classified as a carbonate replacement deposit (CRD) and is similar to many of the world’s largest CRDs which occur in adjacent northern Mexico.
Rosebel Au Mine Site, Suriname
IAMGOLD’s Rosebel gold mine is located in the mineral-rich Brokopondo district in northeastern Suriname. Gold mineralization is associated with north dipping vein sets localized along shear corridors developed at contacts between sandstone and siltstone units of the Rosebel Formation.
Kerrs Au Project, Ontario
The Kerrs gold property is situated in the Abitibi area of the Canadian Shield East of Timmins/Matheson Ontario. The quartz-carbonate breccia deposit is stratabound occurring at the contact of a thick, mafic pillow flow sequence overlying an ultramafic, magnetite-rich flow sequence.
San Sebastian Ag Mine Site, Mexico
Hecla’s concession holdings at San Sebastian are located in the middle of the prolific Mexican Silver Belt outside of Durango, Mexico. Mineralization in the district is structurally controlled and hosted in sedimentary rocks.
Selected Clients