INEGI Index Map of Mexico in Digital Format
The INEGI Index Map of Mexico contains the information from the
1990 INEGI Index to Geographic Information. Each map outline is
located in decimal degrees and includes the Map ID, Name and Types
of maps available for that particular scale. Scales include 1:50,000,
1:250,000, 1:500,000 1:1,000,000 and 1:4,000,000 indexes. Data formats
include ESRI ArcView .shp, Atlas .agf and MapInfo .mif files.
The above example of the index map can be used to locate the Name
and Id of any 1:50,000 or 1:250,000 INEGI map in Mexico. Use
this to find the names and id numbers of the raster or vector maps
you wish to purchase. Please be patient; it can take over
2 minutes to load close to 3,000 records.
To place an order on our secure site, simply click on the ORDER
Button and follow the instructions..... or to place a credit card
order click on the icon below.
Description |
SKU # |
Price |
Place Order |
Mexico Index |
$250 |
[Order] |
The above prices are in US Dollars. Each price represents a cost
per map. The pricing includes the cost for the CD ROM. Prices do
not include shipping and handling. All data is under a 30-day money
back guarantee with limited warranty
All map orders must be prepaid unless other arrangements are made
with GeoGRAFX at the time of ordering. Purchase orders
are accepted from Fortune 500 Companies, Universities and Government
agencies only.
Please allow 2 weeks for processing and shipping.
Any deviations from map data standards are subject to surcharge.
Check out our Links Page for additional
web sites related to GIS, Mining and Mexico
Demo of the INEGI Index (in both MapInfo and ESRI formats).
